The Crow's Nest

There is something to be said for being an “early-morning riser”! I woke up about 4 AM. Usually I get up but this morning I stayed in bed listening to the soft rain hitting my window. The birds were already greeting the world with their cheerful sounds. It was the most relaxing way to begin my morning. All I could think was “at this moment everything is right with the world”.

Speaking of birds, we have wrens trying to nest in a birdhouse by our bedroom window. Are they ever a noisy and feisty breed! They sure let you know they are around. I also have been having an on-going conversation with “Ms Robin” who built her nest by our deck. She really gets upset with me when I go on the deck to water flowers. I keep telling her that she is just renting space and I am the landlord so I can be on the deck whenever I feel like it. She isn’t buying that. She is a hard tenant to get along with while she is hatching her newborn. Yesterday morning I listened and watched an oriole way up in a tree across the street. The oriole’s song is very pretty and quite long. The oriole flew farther away and higher. Again the oriole sang some more. It amazes me that such loud music can come from such a little creature. What vocal chords they must have! I think I have written plenty about the birds----considering I really am not a bird lover.

We confused Angie down at Norby’s Diner this morning when Chuck and I arrived for breakfast. Angie’s first words were: Is it Saturday? We are down there at 7 AM every Saturday for breakfast. (We eat many noon meals there the other days of the week.) Because of the rain there was no early morning fieldwork. I always enjoy early morning breakfast at the diner.

Brother Dave and I had noon lunch at the café the other day. When we got done eating David went up to the counter and asked Angie where he could “lodge a complaint”. Without missing a beat Angie looked at him and said, “Down at Cenex”. That cracked me up. David has met his match with Angie!

I went out to Edmore this afternoon for a dental appointment. It was fun seeing the wheat and barley fields so nice and green. Spring is so beautiful around here with the rich, black soil and the many shades of green as the grain and row crops make their appearance above ground. The problem is time goes by so fast it seems one barely blinks and harvest is here.

Memorial Day was a special day of remembrance for the community. Davidson Post #156 of Edinburg starts their day with the raising of the flag at the Community Center. They go to about 9 country cemeteries to honor the fallen military men and women ending at Odalen for a program and lunch. This is probably at least the 82nd annual Memorial Day Program at Odalen. I remember as a child chairs would have to be set up outside the church to accommodate the huge crowd. The program would be very long with lots of musical numbers, readings, a speaker and singing by those in attendance. The crowds are a little smaller and the program is shorter now, but it still evokes the same emotion in me as it did 55 plus years ago.

We recently lost Violet Herschberger, Violet Nelson and Grace Berg from our community. Sympathy goes to each and every family member. It is never easy losing someone you care about.

Our weather for the next few days is supposed to be unsettled. I just got a call from Chuck saying he didn’t know when he would be home from the field as they were hoping to finish planting potatoes tonight. Thank goodness I just have chili on the stove. Have a good day!


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June 1, 2005

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Simple Solutions


A shot of water or hairspray will stun the pest until you can swat it with a newspaper or fly swatter.


Use a hairddryer set on cool to blow the dust off. Mist the leaves afterward for a healthy, florist-like sheen.


De-tangle a stubborn shoelace by sprinkling a little cornstarch on the knot before working it loose.